Sunday, July 26, 2009

The Big Scam!

I am not a blogger in anyway, but what I read today made me want to scream and shout and hence start blogging. I am a believer in fairness and when I feel that is being taken away, I start fighting.
Eye on Miami, a great blog reported that Miami Dade county is not reporting the foreclosures on the tax records. Yes they update the records with the new owner but they keep the previous date and previous sale.
I said no way, that does not seem to be right. Well, I went to, and checked a purchase I made for 109,000 in November 2008. It's a condo listed on the open market on the MLS. By no mean it was that cheaper than other units on the market. Actually most of the units were ranging around 90,000-150,000 in asking price. To my surprise the purchase is recorded in my name with a date of 2006 and a price of $340,000!!
Now the scary part, not only the assessed value is not going down, they are talking about increasing the millage.Wow this what I call a reverse stimulus!
Please make sure to keep your closing statement it seems it got lost somewhere in the tax appraiser office, the good news if i end up selling my property that I bought according to the official records in 2006 for market value today, I might be able to declare a huge loss! I will have to check with an accountant :- )

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